
Unifrutti’s product standards are nothing but excellence. To guarantee customers the product they deserve, the Group has always considered the highest quality of fruit as its average product level. Being committed to offering the best quality fresh fruit every day, in any season, means following the strictest global guidelines and reaching the highest efficiency in production. Regardless of the season or the production location, Unifrutti applies the same rules and the same supply chain controls, in order to produce in the most efficient and sustainable way, respecting workers and the environment. Because quality to us also means providing a better quality of life to everyone.


The Group follows strict guidelines on food safety and agricultural practices, established both by international programs (such as HACCP, PPECB and BRC Global Standards) and by local distribution chains around the world.

Unifrutti Group - Products - Standards - ppecbThe PPECB is a operations and management certification for export of fresh products released by the South Africa's official perishable produce export certification agencyPPECB
Developed by the British Retail Consortium, the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety certifies the complete accomplishment of the high food safety standards required by retailers. Born as a certification for UK retailers, today BRC Food is adopted by organizations throughout the world.BRCGS
Unifrutti Group - Products - Standards - sizaThe Sustainability Initiative of South Africa provides a platform for agricultural stakeholders to ensure ethical and environmentally sustainable trade. This platform monitors care for the environment and compliance with labour legislation. SIZA
Tesco NURTURE Programme has become the Add-On NURTURE Module to the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Version 5Tesco Nurture